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Old 08-10-2011, 12:05 PM   #12 (permalink)
Fat Charlie
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Al the Third, year four - '13 Honda Fit Base
Team Honda
90 day: 42.9 mpg (US)
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Wow, third post in a row! It looks like the calibration worked. This morning I was toggling from the car's A trip (tank) to the B trip to check that against the UG's mileage since calibrating it. Unfortunately my habit of paying more attention to my driving than to things inside the car bit me- I zeroed out my tank mileage. I did not pass Go, but went directly to the gas station. Adding one mile to what I remembered seeing brought my pump math to 30.18 mpg, Which was believable based on the 30.6 that my car showed last night- starting up this morning and driving cold to the gas station would have dropped the display to 30.3, satisfyingly close to the pump and my best distance guess.

Using the fuel remaining number worked well, too. The UG felt that I had burned 9.25 gallons since the last fill up, while I pupmped 9.608. It felt that I had burned 5.080 gallons since I had last zeroed out all the numbers on the UG, so I just took the difference in the tank/pump numbers and multiplied the 5.08 by that. The car display doesn't do average mpg until after one mile and it takes a while to get realistic but after a few miles the two displays were agreeably close, given the car display's only moving in 0.3 increments and the UG's average climbing quite rapidly during glides. Now I'll bump the numbers on my next few tanks and then periodically after that.

Originally Posted by sheepdog44 View Post
Transmission type Efficiency
Manual neutral engine off.100% @MPG <----- Fun Fact.
Manual 1:1 gear ratio .......98%
CVT belt ............................88%
Automatic .........................86%

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