OK so I went out and bought another 4 fuses the other day so I can try to figure this problem out.
Try 1: Went outside and pulled out the brake bulbs and put a new fuse in, it blew instantly.
Try 2: I started looking around for noticeably odd wiring, and thought "Well if I can just get my 3ed brake light to work then It will atleast be more safe" so I looked at it and noticed it was unplugged and the wires that plugged into it was plugged into something else so I unplugged that and put a new fuse in.
Turned on the lights and the tails DO light up now! woot!
Now I just gotta go buy some bulbs because out of the 2 in the car and the extra 2 I had in the house, only 1 worked. I had another one that just did the low beam but not the high (for when you touch the breaks)
BTW: Horn works now too! yay