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Old 08-16-2011, 12:25 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by orbywan View Post
I'm going to re-post this here as well since it is about this build:

Originally Posted by Otto View Post
Keep doing what you're doing. It's working.

Future suggested projects to consider:

1. Aero motorcycle mirrors to replace Dumbo the Elephant ear mirrors on Econoline van. Or, since you already have electronic cameras, eliminate outside mirrors entirely.

2. Garage door/lawn edging plastic air dam/spoiler

3. Pizza pan aluminum wheel covers

4. Wheel fairings per Prius or, better, per Aerohead's trailer

5. NACA duct inlets and outlets for belly pan cooling air

5. Aero-ized or covered windshield wipers. Maybe use of RainEx would make possible the complete elimination of windshield wipers.

6. Using redeployed existing cameras to fine tune all the above, esp. belly pan and wheel fairings, with real time tuft testing at highway cruise speed. After all, that's what you're trying to improve, so test at highway speed in case the airflow differs from lower speeds. End of quote

Thanks for the suggestions Otto. For #1, Since I have to see to either side in case the mirrors cut out I may reduce the size of the big mirrors and eliminate the fisheyes. I'm going to make some panels for either side to streamline the front considerably, which intersect with the mirror mounts so I'll address the side mirrors when I fab those panels.

#2, I'm going to try some testing with the new belly pans without the air dam for now, see how it does and leave the whole thing alone for a while so I don't beat it to death with a hammer. Then add an air dam later after I find some on-demand smoke. I think the air dam and the wheel mods are going to have to be smoke/flow tested to have the air flow around the wheels optimal, otherwise I'm just going to be stabbing in the dark with no idea of what's actually going on down there.

#3, Not possible in the front, and don't want to do that with the duallies. I'm concerned about overheating the brakes in the mountains when I tow various toys. I'll be restricting the air flow enough with the belly pans and the wheel fairings.

#4, Yes, I'm looking forward to that, I think there's a lot to be gained there if I can get some good video with the smoke/flow testing and can observe what the air is actually doing in those areas.

#5, I'm looking for some of those.

#6, Roger that. I'm going to hook up a DVR to the system so I can record some of the tests, it might be interesting to see. I'll have to figure out how to do a video link to here. Maybe UTube?

Well it should be up to a 100 or so out there, time for more fun with the differential. I'm taking the easy way out for now and doing it simple. When I get the equipment to do the smoke/flow testing I'll see how the air behaves back there and do the articulated cover if it needs it. For now I just have to finish this and get to the nearest trout stream so I have a reason to sit on my butt and drink beer.

Anybody know where I can get the best on demand smoke generator for on the road testing?

Why not just use yarn and tape, or add tempera powder to water, dab on, and watch where the flow goes on the surfaces? Dirty motor oil works great, streaks left on the surfaces show the flow. That's what the German sailplane folks do, and they're the best in the business.
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