im pretty old school my self..
i do *
flying cuts* to check the plugs .. that is switch off on a run and then pull plugs ..
there is some discussion on aviation sites [usually only ones who worry about leaning via EGT ] about setting Lean of peak LOP or ROP rich of peak ..
lean of peak is a ,, alternative ,, one would think LOP would result in enhanced FE
aviation engines one can adjust the mixture *on the fly*
i am told if i get set too lean i will burn the valves .. i wonder [and inquire] if valve burning happens at high EGT and if close examination of EGT might prevent that ..
my EGT sensor is one inch from the head on cyl # 1..
i do not do very much WOT ,, it runs up so fast.. i set throttle by manifold vacuum ,,,, attempt no less than 10INGH ..5INHG on a hard pull up grade ..
15INHG in cruise ..
single SU HIF 44 .on a heilmholltz log .. my needle is *not right * im flowing much better than as designed ,,K&N filters and enhanced exhaust sector ,,
my last adjustment was 1/4 turn lean ..
currently seeing 1300 on the EGT and looking for the drop .. Lean of peak
i have no flippin idea where im set in the profile now
here are plug images ,, not so current but about he same i think ,,