Originally Posted by hackish
I'm not against car mods - I do that every day for a living. I do have a bit of a problem with statements and advice given out that may not be well researched, tested or safe to do or try. Maybe in this section it would be worthwhile to weed through all the items, have some technical discussions and build an endorsed list of hypermiling tricks or mods.
I have a better idea. A big disclaimer. I think we already have one too btw. Use any of these methods at your own risk. Don't be dumb. Research something before you apply it. Then practice it away from traffic until proficient. Unless I live in the hills my brake booster has more charge than I'll ever need. You may be different. You use your brakes???
Actually 'Don't be dumb.' kinda sums it all up.
I'd almost rather warning labels weren't required on most things. Natural selection would weed out the bad genetics and we'd become smarter as a species.
Oops, going on a rant almost there...heck almost mean like.