In the past. the difference between hot fe (summer) and cold fe (winter) was less than 1mpg ie background noise.
Once they introduced ETHANOL I saw "massive" swings in FE based on what actual % of ethanol was in that particular tank.
with the jeep my summer FE was 22-24 mpg my winter fe was 22-24 mpg with 24 being a little more "rare"
with the metro (not counting this summer) my summer fe was around 55-56mpg while my winter fe was around 47-48mpg averaged out.
the metro is my first truly "small" displacement car. even my jeep had a 4 liter I6 (best damned gas engine ever made IMHO)
I have a 74 thing but it does not get driven much and never in the winter and its rather old tech so not really comparable (30mpg was the average)
I also have an unusually even and long commute so the normal variations that nail people (cold startup in the winter) are diluted for me IE I don't see them much.
when you winter cold start a car for 5 miles on a 15 mile commute its 1/3 of your commute.
when you winter cold start a car for 5 miles no warm up at all start and go and then drive 54 miles. well its irrelevant.