Originally Posted by Greg Fordyce
I can't think of a reason why 2 controllers in parallel would be a bad idea, but I don't know if it would work. It would probably need some testing at 12 volts first and see how it goes.
I can think of a good reason why it won't - that old Sesame Street favourite: B-A-L-A-N-C-E.
You would have to ensure that both controllers output the same voltage/wattage all the time. An easier way would be to take one of the 500A boards, modify it to drive IGBTs (Like JackBauer has done, apparently it's extremely easy to do) instead of the long line of MOSFETS it uses at the moment, and throw in a few high power (800V, 1600A+) IGBTs, tweaking the software and current sensors to work at the power levels you want.