FE top 5, w $1000. cap!
Can be project, but should mainly be 3/4ths ready at purchase: $2,500. total for finished car!
#1 a dented up early '90's Geo Metro: the front, and rear will be homemade streamlined any way, so finding some ugly dents in the right places ok!
any non SI CRX: It may take 2 $500. ones to make 1 good!
#3 mid late '70's Datsun B210 fastback: bullet proof eng., 49 mpg. is possible, ergo for factory seats are bad if you are very tall.
# 4 mid '80's Chevy Sprint: may take 2 cars to make 1 good, but 54mpg. is there waiting for you!
#5 '84-'88 4cyl. Pontiac Fiero: non Gt roofline, stock limited to about 34mpg, but then you add your magic.... great handling, and most parts are dirt cheap compared even to more conventional type cars.
Honorable mention to Ford EXP/ Mercury Lynz, and early American Ford Escorts!