Originally Posted by Anaerin
I can think of a good reason why it won't - that old Sesame Street favourite: B-A-L-A-N-C-E.
You would have to ensure that both controllers output the same voltage/wattage all the time.
I still don't see a problem. Since the controllers would be connected in parallel, voltage is going to be the same. You would need to make sure both controllers get an identical throttle signal and then each controllers output will be matched. That is both controllers will be working to provide the same amp output and so should stay in balance.
The advantage of doing this, if it works, is that the 500 amp controller is a proven design. If it could be shown that 2 controllers can be run together then you have 1000 amps available now. When all the bugs are worked out of the 1000 amp controller then you have an easy upgrade path to 2000 amps.