You will most likely get a ticket for not having fenders and for sure for not having bumpers.
Also your motor is going to have enough torque that it will most likely snap all 4 lugs off at the same time unless you have something really ridged behind the pully when a wheel is bolted to a hub it's the sheer on the lugs that they are resisting but in your set up you will be bending the lugs, snapping them, also all of the energy is going to one wheel at that point, with extra vehicle weight and... this is just seeming like a bad idea that is going to cut back on the number of Geo Metros that are on the road.
If you really want an electric rear wheel drive geo metro then I would say find the rear drive axle from a subaru justy, Honda wagovan, toyota corrola or some other small car that had a 4 wheel drive version back in the '80's.