Originally Posted by JethroBodine
"A-Game" will be brought  .
I like the sound of that! I now plan to bring my lightweight '91 Sentra which has over 250-k on it. The engine's good and loose.
I've used choroplast in a unique way on this car- for the hood! I decided my stock 39 lb. [with hinges] hood had to go. Spending $600 on a carbon fiber hood to save less than 20 lbs. makes no $ense to me at all. So I made what might be the lightest Sentra hood on the planet. How about a featherweight 3.5 lbs. and with just $30 worth of material?

I simply traced the stock hood and cut it out with shears. It's flimsy of course, so I went to Home Depot and bought some 8' lengths of thin aluminum angle. I squeezed the angle down around the edges and pop riveted them on. I stiffened it further by radiusing and running some thin aluminum "U" channel across the center and pop riveted it in place. Here is the result: