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Old 08-28-2011, 11:00 PM   #8 (permalink)
t vago
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Steering angle sensor? Nope.

Originally Posted by mwebb View Post
you have not made mention of the steering angle sensor input , to the power steering computer / controller / black box
I have not made mention of such a sensor, because this particular module does not require such a sensor. It uses an internal hydraulic pressure sensor to sense demand. The older MR2 EHPS used several modules and sensors, including what you're describing. This one is from a newer MR2, and is almost completely self-contained.

Originally Posted by mwebb View Post
no doubt the partial toyota network that may exist in the p/s unit does not communicate with the dodge network .

it may function anyway as the VW PS systems will function even if the system codeing is set incorrectly so that the system looks for the steering angle sensor in the wrong location -
but - those systems set DTCs - every where
You're right. However, this is not a concern. This module was not designed to be smart enough to require a network for operation - CANBUS, ISO, J-1853, CCD, or otherwise.

The pump will still operate, regardless of whether or not I hook up the WOT cutout wire and idle up command wire. Those two wires are "nice-to-have" wires, but they're not strictly necessary for operation.

The speed signal wire is the most important signal wire, because it will allow the module to determine when to reduce its output power. The warning lamp signal is the second most important signal wire, because that will tell me if something's wrong.

The diagnostic wires are not going to be hooked to anything, since they only went to a diagnostic connector on the MR2 to begin with. This module was never interfaced with the MR2 network.

Originally Posted by mwebb View Post
the WOT cutout can be sampled at the AC compressor as it has a WOT cutout as well , the TPS is not a good choice for this input .
Not entirely sure how this would work. Do you mean that I should tap the wiring that drives the A/C compressor clutch?
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