yea Larry, that is right at the top of my list of things, probably by the end of the week, as well as a new air filter. Ive read of some people with the same engine as mine using 1.6l coils on their engines, not 100% sure but I think it gives a better ignition. I will have to look more into that.
well, I do have to admit that Im fairly new to truly hypermiling/ecodriving. while some of the hypermiling techniques Ive used for years, it wasnt to save gas, but time. I would always time my lights so I wouldnt have to stop, and I always drafted to some degree or another. but at the same time, I was never light footed when accelerating, or just driving at a steady spd. if someone was holding me up whether two/four or more lanes, I did my absolute best to pass them, usually involving flooring it until I got around them
it has truly been very hard to drive so conservatively, especially on the backroads when no one is around, or if I get caught behind someone doing 10mph under the posted limit.
but Im getting there, I have a lot less slip ups now than I did just 4 months ago, thats for certain.