RWD EV Ultracapacitor Flywheel Hybrid truck?
I love RWD and so I drive a big gas guzzling pickup truck.
However I do see huge potential in some of the new (for 2013-14) compact pickup truck concepts that going around like that 2006 Dodge Rampage and 2008 Toyota A-bat. The fold flat midgate is just brilliant. And if they can build it with a under bed trunk even moreso.
So with all the talk about redesign body functionality there will likely be drive train improvements .. and with all the rumblings about Volvo Flywheel Testing, Dodge Hydraulic Hybrid, and Ford and Toyota looking to partner up for a hybrid truck... any chance we might see a RWD Ultracapacitor EV powered, Flywheel Brake Recovery maintained short versatile pickup truck in the next few years? Maybe something with a small 4 cylinder engine in the front to PULL the truck at COASTING speeds and high torque RWD EV power to PUSH it at traffic lights and when ACCELERATING.
Is this design even possible or feasible? What might somethign like this do in MPG? what might it have as towing capacity?
If so, I just imagine a 70s like body design muscle car with a high back with a removable bed cap and deep under bed trunk. A fold down midgate or just fold flat down rear seats. From a distance it might look like 70s Nova or El Camino, but with truck bed and towing capabilities that rival full sized pickup trucks. 35mpg city and 4000lb towing would cause a major shakeup in the truck market.
I can't post pics and links yet, but if you google these two you might find more info:
2012 Pickup Truck Unibody Midgate Concepts
Volvo Flywheel Hybrid
Last edited by cyberpine; 09-01-2011 at 07:31 PM..