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Old 09-09-2011, 12:09 PM   #101 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sven7 View Post
Wow, cool project. I'm tempted to put some belly pans on my own Twin I Beam now!

One question: what did you bolt the belly pans to?
If you go back through the thread there are 30 or 40 or so step by step photos of the process as it progressed. So far the belly pans have been the least productive of the mods, but to be fair about it, I've only tested them once and I still have to vent the front better and finish the differential and add some wheel fairings.

If you want to go for maximum results build a boat tail first, then the belly pans. The first test of the boat tail yielded a 33% increase in mileage! That was a one way slightly down hill run but the average for that trip was still over 25%. Not bad for 24 foot (OK it's 28 foot now) 7.3L diesel RV.

You also get the added benefit of having four more feet of storage space, and, you get to answer everyone's questions when you stop for fuel. That part is fun, especially when they walk up with the deer in the headlights look and say, 'What the hell is that?'.

If you'd like to see the build of the boat tail, go to page 7 (at the moment) of the 'Aerodynamics' page, and click on 'Aero RV', it's laid out like this thread with lots of step by step photos.

Sorry, now it's on page one, I forgot when you post something it moves the thread to the first page. I need to figure out how to do links on this site.

Last edited by orbywan; 09-09-2011 at 01:30 PM.. Reason: forgot something
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