Originally Posted by Flatmann100
Greg, I followed your instructions and wind up with a white screen with the program running. Where I go from there I do not know as I have not used this program before. I don't know if I'm suppose to upload the program from the controller or?
I appreciate all the help.
Mike, here's some quick instructions to get you going.
From a fresh reboot, plug in your USB-serial adapter to the pc and controller. If you want you can power up the controller at this point, making sure you are not in gear, even better disconnect the traction pack from the controller, you only need the 12v supply.
Now go to the windows start menu and open "Devices and Printers"
You should see your USB-serial adapter, mine showed it as "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM 3)" and strangly the icon is a mouse!
Just close the "Device and Printers" window after making a note of which Com port yours is assigned to. You need to check this everytime you plug the cable in as windows will change it.
Start Hyperterminal. It should start with a New Connection window. If it doesn't go to File > New Connection. Give it a name (I named mine Fred
), click OK. Next window "Connect using " and choose your com port that you found in "Devices and Printers", click o.k. and final window asks for port settings. Choose 19200 bits per second, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1 and Flow control None. Make sure the controller is powered and click OK.
You should now be connected to the controller and may see the rtd data scroll by. Press <ENTER> on your keyboard and the controller should respond with its software version. Type "config" and then <ENTER> and you should see the current configuration. You can connect and disconnect hyperterminal with the 2 telephone icons at the top of the window.
What you really need now is a list of commands and parameters. In the source code files is a README.PDF and README.ODT (they are both the same, just different formats). If you don't have the source code files the README can be found
here (Adam, this is a link to your site, let me know if you object and I will change it). Download and print off whichever version you prefer and keep it in your car. It lists all the parameters, ranges and default values. I just make a note on the paper printout of what I have changed things to. For example current_ramp_rate default is 6. Say you want to try 20. Type c-rr 20 <ENTER> and the controller should echo back current_ramp_rate 20. Take the car for a spin and see if you like it. If you do then type "save" to store the new value to eeprom, or switch off the controller and the old value will be loaded when the controller is switched back on. HTH.
EDIT: I really do like Adam's RTD Explorer, its a great tool but if you don't have a PC/Laptop that can run it, it's good to have options.