Well I got one of those mirrors that is intended to be mounted on an existing outboard side mirror and provide blind spot coverage. I then took the moveable mirror assembly out and cut the main housing to mate to the side at the angle I want. Next I snapped the mirror off at the right line and cut the plastic backing holding the mirror off at that line. The mirror actually came in broken, but I am sure I can find a local mirror to replace it if the cracks are annoying. All I really need it for is blind spot coverage on the passenger side anyway.
So I have decided to mount it so that the mirror is visible through the smaller forward window on the Versa. This gets it away from the door and prevents issues with coverage when the passenger is doing annoying things like reading the paper (which my primary passenger is wont to do).
I will be removing the passenger side mirror and mounting this soon, but here is a shot showing the modified housing, the location it will be mounted, and the enormous size difference between the factory and modded mirror.