Good information Ausias, thanks. 22.4mpg is pretty outstanding for a 7,700 pound load at 65mph. I need to get a gross weight on my RV. I found several photos of 'IVeco Daily' on the web, is yours like the one in the photo below?
I read something two days ago that said blocking off the rear wheels (like with a full moon hubcap type disc) would reduce the wheel drag by 96%. I seriously doubt that number is accurate but it does get my attention.
When you do your belly pan I hope you'll take photos of the process and post them on ecomodder. Your van is close enough to the MB Sprinter chassis many many owners here would love to see the process and see the results. Good luck. If I come up with something good for the wheel fairings I'll let you know. Crap, now I can't load the image of the IVeco for some reason. Basically it looks very similar to a MB Sprinter van right?