Originally Posted by Sven7
Besides looking completely boss lowered like that, it doesn't seem too bad. I'll bet the rear flow on that stays attached for the same reason that the EV1 does- whatever that is.
I looked at an EV1 today and must say it's possible that it achieves the template in 3D, although I'd have to do formal measurements to see for sure. I wish they hadn't have deactivated them 
I would have like to have seen an actual tuft test of the EV-1.
Smoke tests seem almost useless sometimes.
I have seen lots of horrible cars look sleek in a wind tunnel with some guy shooting smoke over the hood of the car .
Ideally, what we need is both a tuft and smoke test like this early rx-7
By looking at the pretty smoke stream shown on these trucks, one could be led to believe that these trucks were really slick, but tufting them would show them to be the aero mess that they are: