Another personal best! This tank included driving up to Tahoe from the Sacramento area, so some climbing that would lower my MPG, followed by driving around the lake and some stop and go traffic at the lake. (some good opportunities for EOC driving around Lake Tahoe and it's a slow drive anyway) Coming down from Tahoe included lots of EOC opportunities as well. 255 miles, 4.6 gal, and I made sure to top up when filling up to ensure the pump didn't shut off early. Higher PSI at higher altitude (2-3 more psi at 5000 feet than at sea level?) may have played some small part.
The trip from the Sacramento area home to the Bay got me down to 60-70% full, so maybe I can post my next tank next week or so? I was definitely this guy driving home from Sac -

- so that tank should be a good one too.