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Old 09-17-2011, 01:16 PM   #5090 (permalink)
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I got some 1" x 1/4" x 14" bus bars and made a fixture so I can add all 12 mosfets/diodes at the saem time, soldered to the bus bars. There are also 2 toaster ovens. A really big one for the bus bar. But the stupid thing doesn't get hot enough. The smaller one does though. What I'm doing is, put a sample of solder on the corner of the bar inside the oven, and put the mosfets with solder paste on their backs inside their fixture inside the other oven. I heat the mosfets to around 120 degC, and heat the bus bar to solder temp, and then I open the mosfet oven, and transfer them to the bus bar.

The fixture is a 1.5" x 12" x 1/16" piece of milled teflon, so it can handle the heat.
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