Originally Posted by JQmile
Thats a damn nice 'Vette.
I was "looking" in the UK myself - you do know the internet is international no ? ooh that might be a shock. We have s3x and s0c14l1sm and all sorts here in Europe together with our shorter working week (well the uncivilised parts of the continent do, we in the UK still flog our guts out to pay for their bailouts) and easy living cafe lifestyles. We also have electricity and running water too. Well for most of the time when the comissar can arrange it for our block.
Actually did I mention that sitting in an outdoor cafe in Embra is likely to bring on a serious cold ?
Sorry I know I poke fun, but come on. Think what you are selling, who to, who from and work it out. You see a classic Vette in good order with no rust, other people see a potential winter diesel smoker the other end of the country and maybe want to get 1-2 winters out of it.
As (apparently) they say on US TV durr? (apparently - the comissar blocked it last night - I am not "hip" as you can see).