Quote:"When I lifted the pedal didn't come up so its more a physical thing, although cruise does hold the pedal position? "
That is the key! No,cruise does not hold pedal position! Like Bob said earlier nothing mechanical is connected to the pedal! (and it does not have an actuator built in it!) So IF the pedal really stayed down then it can ONLY be the pedal assembly!
Your best chance at being taken seriously at the dealer if you would type up the circumstances at the time it happened with as much detail as possible and hand it to them and make sure the tech who works on it gets it so they can attempt to duplicate it!!! I am a "stealership" tech and when I get insufficient information on something intermittent, I will not waste much time on trying to duplicate it unless I think I have a good chance to reproduce the complaint.
(we don't get paid for driving around!!!)