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Old 09-27-2011, 02:27 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bwilson4web View Post
I'm so sorry but not surprised to see this nonsense:

Actually, you disagree with me.

Bob Wilson
Actually I probably don't,

I did not say anything about taking the CAT off vehicles that can't pass emissions without one or anything about the 14mpg dinosaurs that were driven in that era.

Also, I highly doubt that NOX alone was the cause of that haze. If every car on the road in those years were 88 Honda Civics I doubt there would have been any haze despite the lack of a CAT.

If you would have read my rant a clean burning well designed engine that passes emissions should not need a cat, PERIOD. I don't recall mentioning 1960's era vehicles.

And YOU WILL NEVER convince me that the quality of the pollution is more important than the volume of it produced. The cars of that era averaging 14mpg in the city, running pig rich with no cat was the cause.

If they were lean burn cars getting 40mpg, well you have enough sense to see what I am getting at.

Cars that are designed well enough to pass emissions without a CAT should not need one and lean burn should be allowed in the 40 states it does not affect on vehicles that exceed 40mpg city because the volume of overall pollution from cars of that type is always lower than the 20mpg pigs most still seem to have. If I make 20grm per mile with a much higher percentage of nox that will always be better than 100grm per mile with "low" percentage of nox.

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