Originally Posted by sawickm
Hi Adam,
I like it !!!
I think that flat bus plate and ring cap is a good idea, considering that the Soliton 1K Controller (EVnetics) uses the same design concept. Your kit at $400 - $500 is a good price for that knock off (minus IGBTs) !!!
What thickness are you using for the Bus Plate ?
I am interested on how you are going to package that in a housing with the ReVolt Controller and Driver PCB ???
Keep us informed.
Hey Mark,
The plates are 20Awg. About 0.032 in. thick.
The controller is more Revolt based, instead of being a Revolt. The driver board is of my own design special to driving 3 IGBT's. The logic board is also my own design shared from my monster 6 IGBT controller for my Vette. Its quite a bit more advanced then the normal revolt board. It includes ethernet and voltage monitoring for 400VDC, as well as dual outputs for driving dual IGBT drivers.