Here's the cloth stretched over the framework.
Gaffer tape is holding it in place. I didn't sand the body where it meets the tail as I'm going to do the final attachment with screws and body sealer to allow for flexing( hopefully).
Here is the first coat of resin. The fabric did sag a bit, but I pulled it tighter after this pic and before the next coat. Took a whole gallon of resin to saturate the fabric. And for those who are wondering, that is a queen sized sheet with little snowmen on it
I put more fabric around the edges, both as a sealer for now and to give me something to cut/fit as I need. The edges of the sheet, also, started to pull away in places and this seemed to help.
I had to extend beyond the sheet on the end, so now it covers the whole top side, bottom belly pan will be aluminum sheeting, and I haven't decided on the end, yet.