brake caliper seal cup is a spring
the brake caliper piston seal / ccup is really a spring , the rubber seals the piston but also pulls back a wee bit after the brake is released , if the rubber is worn or cracked , the return spring function is diminished or non existent , keep the caliper slides free of rust and well lubed with sil glide or silicone based grease designed for that purpose and , make sure the pads float and can slide easily in their mounting bracket , they must not be stuck in place or binding in the mounts , they must move freely , mounting points must be free of rust and must have the same brake grease applied .
sil glide has anti rust chemicals in the grease , it will turn bare steel black .
drive the car at 60mph long time , use the brake as little as possible , after stopping , measure rotor temp with infared temp probe or the back of the fingers , no rotor should be warmer than the rest and none should be hot to the touch . a binding brake will heat the rotor , bigger binding = higher temp , temps can easily reach 500f on a binding brake , so use the back of your finger and approach the rotor slowly ... better to use an infared temp probe