Thread: Mirror ideas
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Mirror ideas

Has anyone tried using an inside mirror for the passenger side view? It seems like a properly placed mirror at the front of the right side window would cover the blind spot and a little ways back. Haven't tried it.

I was also thinking about being able to downsize the left mirror by placing it closer to the driver, say mounted off the top of the driver's window. If you put the mirror 70% closer to the driver's head, couldn't you make it 70% smaller? I'm thinking 4-6 sq/in.

I would like to delete my mirrors, but my Seattle commute is already dangerous enough.

Trying it out quickly it almost seems like the driver's side could be inside as well.


Last edited by NewLeafEV; 10-07-2011 at 05:26 PM.. Reason: Tried it out a bit
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