*sorry about posting in the wrong place! My bad- 2nd post
First off, Thanks for all the info. I've been lurking for about a week reading posts and learning ways to increase my fuel mpg. So far I've gone from around 32-35mpg up to 37-39mpg just by using some simple things I've read here. (44psi fronts, removed spare tire, took airbox cover off to suck in warm air). I'm learning how to drive my car to consume less gas and winter's coming up. I've seen many people posting great results with using engine block heaters and the like.
So, here's my question: Have you guys who utilize heaters seen any benefit to always prewarming the car? I'm in Austin Texas and it doesn't really get lower than 40 degrees very often. Our winters linger around the 50-60 range. It's not exactly freezing out there but I'm wanting to increase my mpg and engine life. Do you think preheating even in 90 degree weather is beneficial?
*on another note, has anyone used a 12volt ceramic heater to warm up the interior? I was thinking of moding one to flow through the AC vents via a switch.

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun always upon your face. May the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
~ Boston George