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Old 10-10-2011, 06:25 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by brucepick View Post
My notes above indicate I installed a 1/8" x 1" aluminum bar stock longitudinally. I only had the one piece handy so I did the other stiffeners in plywood, which is far stiffer than the coroplast.

I didn't mention it in the text, but there is also a 1/8" diam steel rod slipped into the coroplast groove. You can see its shadow going across the photo, and at the left end it's just about obstructed by the trunk's left rear corner. Its been there since the start of the project and allowed the 2.5" flexing I described two posts earlier.

However since it's still vibrating some, it would need more reinforcement to eliminate the vibration. All those stiffeners would need to be riveted in a permanent setup, not duct taped. And the point-contact nature of the rivet fasteners would not give as thorough a contact bond as the duct tape does, so the materials would flex and separate. That is why I think I'm better off with a stiffer base material.

Sorry - no angled folds in the center panel. I want to leave it as clean as possible on the top side to help the aero flow patterns. I don't really like the way coroplast folds, especially if you try folding diagonally across the flutes.

Yes, a tuft test would be good to do. Any ecomodders in southeastern New England, if you're interested we can get together for that. Especially if you have a pickup truck to shoot pics from.
Beef her up best you can.She's really going to try and explode with the air crashing down on her.
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