Originally Posted by larrybuck
Unless it's very new, and no issues generic, I just don't see it for your every day ride. It's like sharing your tooth brush!
I agree that there are things I would no loan out, my pocket knife, tooth brush or hatchet.
But I sold my first Civic VX to a friend who kept borrowing it for weekends, and I've always found that when I loan my vehicle out they come back with more gas in the tank, the inside is cleaner and there are cookies or beer in my fridge, I don't loan out my electric car, partly because it is old and finicky with oddities that others would not understand, but most every other car is easy to figure out and if they are borrowing it because it gets better mileage, why would they abuse it? it would go against the reason that they borrowed it in the first place and it would reduce the chances that they would get to use it again in the future.
Of course maybe my friends are just special that way, when I borrow something and I notice it's starting to fall apart I fix it and make sure it's fixed right, that insures it will last longer for everyone and my fixing it is cheaper then me owning whatever vehicle or tool and having to fix it as well as pay for ownership.