Two things that I would change a bit; that both related to the side profile that you sketched: the grill to hood transition needs to get a radius. (It looks like you dropped the stagnant point which is a good thing, I think; so it won't look like the sketch, but it would negate the sharp-ish corners on the top outsides of the grill.)
The windshield needs a bit of a "vertical" curve to blend it with the roof. This would bring it closer to the sketch, I think. You have a lot of "horizontal" curve in it now, which is fine, though this shrinks the interior volume, and could allow for the front fenders to sweep in at the front a bit more?
If you leave the wheel track where it is, then you will have to integrate strakes and/or fairing and/or skirts into the model. I would narrow the rear track more than you have already; to let the fender curve you already have cover the rear wheels. And maybe the curve of the sides that are shown in the top/plan view be a little larger radius and to start the taper a little closer to the front.