Originally Posted by jamesqf
'Cause any intelligent wildebeast should have learned that there might be crocodiles in that inviting water hole, so it's a good idea to approach with caution. Likewise, an intelligent homeowner (or would-be homeowner) should be able to figure out that zero-money down loans on an inflated income, with interest rates that escalate after a few years, and a pitch that of course home prices are going to keep going up, up up! so you can refinance before the new payments kick in are all pretty much the same as crocodile snouts sticking out of the water :-)
I am talking about all manner of dingbats raiding the homeowner's wallet via property taxes, not homeowner's screwing themselves with stupid financing tricks (they deserve whatever happens). Some examples of mine: ditch "improvements" that won't make ANY difference to water levels on my property, $1300. School funding, for the last 20 years it's always been about 1/2 my property tax bill for ONLY my residence; when I had a big pile of rentals at 3x the homestead rate can you imagine how much the school loved me???

Yet I've never had a kid in the $(%*^&#ing system.

Street "improvements" but my street was already in good shape

Airport expansion- yup, loving that new crosswind runway they put in that makes a flight path over my house- now they want to bill me for more projects out there that benefit nobody except a local bidness that relies on air shipments

Need I go on?