I did another test today. This one went better. I didn't know anything up this time. Everything still stayed perfectly cool. I had found a subtle issue with the throttle code and have fixed it (I have yet to update the source online though). This time we only tested with the little 2HP motor from the first test; no testing with the 80HP monster.
This time I also had the precharge system installed and working. I'm just using caps we had lying around so I don't know how much good they are doing. Hopefully it's better than nothing.
I didn't take an oscilloscope back with me to check on that. Maybe during trial three I'll do that.
I need to get together more voltage. My 90V of batteries just isn't good enough. I'm testing with 440V motors and they don't exactly develop a lot of torque at 60V AC (remember, the effective AC voltage is, at best, DC voltage * sqr(2) but is even worse because of the voltage drop of the IGBTs)
I had installed the current sensors but they don't seem to change value hardly at all. I think they need to run through op amps to increase the range.
Oh, I also have canbus communications working. I develop a dash display for use with Elithion BMS systems and other EV hardware. So I've modified the firmware to work with this motor controller. Makes debugging a little easier.