booming-wind noise
I have been interested in air flow considerations for quite some time.
SITUATION: Many recent cars develop considerable booming/air pressure variations(large vortex generation?) when the rear side windows are down.
I own a Honda fit 2008
OBjECTIVE: reduce the considerable wind noise and booming when rear wind is open
SOLUTIONS examined:
solution #1. "A" pillar window slightly open-
Result : no booming but loud wind noise.
solution # 2. Fitted a vertical deflector 30cm X8cm at 45 degrees at front edge of open rear window-
Result: much less booming but loud wind noise.
solution # 3. Purchased Honda MUGEN grooved wind visors ( waiting for delivery) which promises of less wind noise /less booming
Result: not known yet
Below : a photogragh of the Honda after a drive in a snow storm.
REQUEST, with regards to booming AND wind noise:
#1. Explain the observed deposited snow , in air flow terms (or by drawing it directly on photo on my Honda FIT '08
#2. Relate experience with HONDA MUGEN GROOVED side window wind deflector