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Old 10-17-2011, 07:14 AM   #10 (permalink)
The PRC.
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I'm neutral on the argument about when / if Peak Oil (or Peak Energy or Peak Resources if you prefer) will or may hit.

I'm not convinced that the current recession is evidence of the continual economic decline often predicted as a result of the Peak, it seems to be more the conventional debt-fuelled investment bubble which has burst, the only difference here seems to be the scale.

Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
People and govts are going to have to get over this growth obsession SOMEDAY- they can do it voluntarily or have nature do it for them.
We have discussed this previously, and I disagree that the limit has been reached. But (genuine question, not being argumentative) what alternative system would you see being used when/if that happens, or indeed to mitigate for the effects ?

Originally Posted by suspectnumber961 View Post
Debt and growth go hand in hand (debt finances growth and growth covers debt?)...with cheap energy supporting both? Reality (resource depletion) bites and says...enough? (It's a feedback mechanism.) Reactionaries want to keep doing the SOS...trashing the planet and probably enslaving everyone in the process.

A new recession has been called by 2 sources I consider fairly least 2 sets of indicators say so. Basically it's been a new kind of depression as modified by the Fed? Pattern is similar to the first one...we start to come out of it...then "austerity" measures hit and the party grinds to a halt again?
We had "boom and bust" in the era of cheap energy, say between WW2 and the early 1970s. The scale was perhaps smaller but it did happen. The "economic genius" who was our last prime minister said he had got rid of B&B...
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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