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Old 10-19-2011, 06:46 PM   #41 (permalink)
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If the US is really interested in keeping menial jobs, then we need to get rid of the utterly worthless minimum wage law.

Too bad, isn't it, that the minimum wage -- properly set (one-half of the average wage) -- adds to the overall economy. Lifts people from poverty. And no jobs are ever lost as a result. But, since wages lost their connection to productivity, the minimum wage isn't enough to live on, much less start or start over in life.

As the former societal arrangement created the middle class, it looks as though everyone in America in the bottom 90% is owed a 65% raise. Or a 15-hr workweek. Take your pick. Repeal Taft-Hartley and start putting the tables aright. The 1956 Tax Code would be another. The equal of 5% of GNP as Federal tax revenue as the rate for corporations and the wealthy. We had no wars then. Today we have about six.


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