I was curious to check it that way just hadn't got to it yet.
Per the source I linked back a page they said it's actually closer to 28% less energy by volume, the 32% I found initially is by weight. Here a clip of their relative energy comparision by volume per that source.
E0 = 1
E10 = .964
E20 = .927
E50 = .825
E85 = .716
E100 = .657
Filling in the gaps I got
E25 = .910
E30 = .893
E35 = .876
E40 = .859
E45 = .842
Using my most recent E0 base of 36.09 and energy by gallon I should get.
E10 = 34.79 mpg but got 3 tank average of 35.58) (2% high)
E32(0.886) = 31.98 mpg (but got 1 tank at 32.02 ) (0.1% high)
E25 = 32.84 mpg (1 tank of 32.05) (2.4% low)
E32 =
Last edited by roosterk0031; 10-27-2011 at 10:19 AM..