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Old 10-22-2011, 04:03 PM   #226 (permalink)
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Trip Data Comparisons

Here are some comparisons from the logbook:
Denton-Albuquerque,2010--------------------------------------- 29.872 mpg
ditto---------------, 2011--------------------------------------- 28.753 mpg
3.7% penalty
Albuquerque-Lakeside,2010-------------------------------------- 31.367 mpg
ditto----------------,2011-------------------------------------- 31.474 mpg
0.3% benefit
Lakeside-Salt Flats,2010---------------------------------------- 28.910 mpg
ditto-------------, 2011---------------------------------------- 29.583 mpg
2.3% benefit
Lakeside-Carson-Lakeside,2010--------------------------------- 28.885 mpg
ditto--------------------,2011--------------------------------- 31.102 mpg
7.6% benefit
Lakeside-Green River,2010-------------------------------------- 36.036mpg
ditto--------------- ,2011-------------------------------------- 31.282mpg
13.1% penalty
Dona Ana-Denton,2010----------------------------------------- 33.187mpg
ditto------------,2011----------------------------------------- 33.171mpg
0.4% penalty
Cloudcroft-Denton,2009---------------------------------------- 32.812mpg
ditto-------------,2010---------------------------------------- 34.264mpg
ditto-------------,2011---------------------------------------- 33.882mpg
2010/2011= 2.8% penalty
2009/2011= 3.2% benefit
Artesia-Denton,2009------------------------------------------- 31.813mpg
ditto----------,2010------------------------------------------- 34.264mpg
ditto----------,2011------------------------------------------- 33.918mpg
2010/2011=1% penalty
2009/2011=6.6% benefit
Road-testing is problematic.Variables are
*aerodynamic drag (wind spectra )
*rolling resistance
*climbing/grade resistance
*acceleration/inertia resistance
*load/rpm BSFC
*curve resistance (NCHRP Report 111(Washington,D.C.:Highway Research Board,1971)
*yields,stops,traffic lights,road repair delays,overnight stays
If one 'could' keep track of all the variables in real-time,solving for unknowns,simultaneously for each mile puts this sort of thing into the realm of astro-physics.
The 'captain' driver would need a 1st-officer riding shotgun with a 4-G hot-spot,laptop/tablet/smart-phone and on-board weather data acquisition hardware,airspeed indicator,wind direction,GPS elevation tracking.
If your obsessive about data collection,you might be able to learn something quantitative about your vehicle.
Wind tunnels look better all the time!
So far,it appears that on grades,the weight addition of the trailer is a liability.At 720-lbs now,with the nearly complete gap-filler mechanism,Viking represents the 'production' version of the tadpole,with a Nissan Leaf battery pack on-board.
For flat-landers,a holiday trip to Grandma's,pulling the trailer would probably incur no penalty.
Throw in some mountains and the equation changes!
Perhaps one day I can do the trailer without the prototypes weight penalty.
I'll keep chipping away at it.
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BamZipPow (10-24-2011), HyperMileQC (01-17-2013), landsailor (01-07-2012), slowmover (10-22-2011)