Originally Posted by Sven7
I hope the upside down one is set up right.
Great work here by the way. I could definitely see strakes/wheel fairings on it, as well as that kammback becoming radiused as it goes back. Just make a section for the rear edge of it and then score some of the flutes until it bends to fit the section.
Sven7,your primary alignment for the Sentra looks right on the money,revealing that the roofline is a tad too fast.
With respect to the inverted template,it's not designed to address diffuser angles.
The latest 'Template' is drawn to incorporate a 2.5-degree diffuser which begins just aft of the rear axle.
These can be as steep as 4-degrees or so,according to research published in Hucho's book and elsewhere.It all depends on the diffusers point of origin.
The clincher will be departure ground clearance,as Mike rolls straight down a driveway,across the gutter and onto the street.
The diffuser may have to remain 'steep',so as not be torn to shreds on the pavement.