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Old 10-26-2011, 11:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Long time Nissan fan here. Wife just bought a Kia Sorento. I would seriously look at the Kia and Hundai offerings. My gut feeling is the Japanese auto makers have peaked, while the Koreans are coming on very strong.

The warranties offered by the Koreans are hard to beat, free roadside assistance for 5-60 and 100k power train.

The Sorento compares to the Murano as far as weight 3800# and size, although the Kia has better interior volume. Wifey is averaging 27 MPG in her 4 cyl Sorento with less than 800 miles on the odometer. 32 highway in a 3800 pound SUV is amazing.

I considered the new Versa but I am going to keep the 99 Maxima we got back from her daughter.

A new Elantra or Kia offering would be my choice if I bought new. They are also made in America.

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