Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I wonder how a vehicle's utilization of it's cargo capacity could be included? For example semis and busses are down in the single digits mpg wise, but are far more efficient re: units of stuff moved per unit of fuel.
Note how I said UTILIZATION of capacity, as we all know (if we are willing to admit it) that the Suburbans and Expeditions of this country see more solo occupant duty than anything else.
Very good point Frank..
I also feel that "very fuel efficient" should be applied per car class..
e.g. 70+mpg Sub compact
60+ mpg compact
50+mpg Mid size etc
I think there is merit in approaching a mover to beter fuel efficiency in 2 stages
1. Get everyone moved to the most fuel efficient version of the car they THINK they need
2. work on shifting people to more appropriate transportation options