Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
Ha! Now all you have to do is find the bottle without a cap and you'll be on to something
As far as I'm concerned, the wrong cap was deliberately put on.
Trying to screw it on like anyone would normally do, it'd come undone again.
Do you think that the wrong oil could have messed up the DPF?
It clogs up with sulphated and phosphated ashes that can't be burned off by the regenerating process.
Result : the filter is always partially blocked, and regeneration becomes more frequent, because it can never burn the DPF completely free.
That's why you need low SAPS oils with a DPF.
But you've replaced both the oil and the DPF since then, correct?
Twice, actually.
And the issues haven't stopped?
At the 120.000km service, I didn't have the DPF changed as it was still working OK.
Dealer changed the oil to an unsuitable Shell 5W40 according to the invoice - 5W40 is also out of the viscosity spec for the engine !
After that, the DPF issues started.
Driving to Germany late in August 2010, it regenerated 5 times in 1.000km.
I didn't keep a log back then, but I've mentioned in this thread.
Late September 2010, it developed issues while on holiday in the Czech Republic.
The DPF was changed, but not the oil.
At the 140.000km service, the by then 12% diluted oil was changed back to 0W30 at my request.
But the 0W30 specified on the invoice, isn't DPF rated either as I've just found out !
At around 143.000km, the oil level had rissen again, so I had it changed once more.
Again, they used the wrong specced Shell oil.
Around 146.000km, Hägar went to the main dealer of the group for a 3 week examination period. They changed the entire air intake tubing and the DPF once again, but as far as I know, they didn't change the oil.
I've given the dealer group a week to respond, and another 2 weeks to put it right.
If they don't , I have legal cover on the car which can be used for this kind of disputes, and it will go that way.