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Old 10-27-2011, 10:06 AM   #611 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Aug 2011
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That curved bar idea is pretty slick! If I end up needing more capacitance I might have to go that route.

I'm going to try to do some more testing of my controller with the large film cap installed and see if the new (hopeful) lack of parasitic inductance on the input helps to keep the spikes and nastiness to a minimum.

Another thing I found is that I might have a bit too small of a gate resistor. I'm using 3 ohm resistors on 200A IGBTs. It seems like maybe that's a little on the small side. As such my di/dt is kind of fast and that doesn't help either. I'm thinking it might be safer to go with 4-6 ohm resistors. Any suggestions there?

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