People who are claiming less than $1000 a year can't be including all transportation expenses.
Oh yes they can!
Purchase price: 0 (for several of them; far and away the most expensive was $19k in 1994, paid note off in a few months for minimal finance costs. I'd say that one is fully amortized out)
License tabs: $47/year (each, plus several with collector plates @ $0/year. I don't always put tabs on every vehicle, every year)
Insurance: $200/year (usually one active policy, sometimes a couple are active at once for a limited period of time)
Maint. & Repair: <$100/year (Lots of free after rebate oil, junkyard parts, mail order parts, $0 mechanic/stealership payments)
Fuel: assume 15 gal/mo @ $3.65 = $55/mo = $660/year. Assuming cuz it's divided up tween several vehicles and varies greatly for any particular segment of time for me)
So if I've not forgotten something, this totals $1007.
Bicycles = free or so close to free it doesn't count.
No air fares lately. No bus, no taxi, no limo, no train. Shoes? Gotta have those anyway.