I photo-enlarged your photo and did a Template overlay.
From a 1993 Sentra road test,it looks like your car is 53.9-inches in height(unladen),and 170.3-inches length.
To get the roof extension to the Template would require raising it around 4.6-inches at the top trailing edge.
Also,it looks like the valence/diffuser could drop about 2.6-inches ( unless that would risk a ground-strike).
With your extension,you're at 33% aft-body,same as Prius II @ Cd 0.26.
The Daimler-Benz "bionic","boxfish",@ 32% aft-body is Cd 0.19.
Kamm's best car,@ Cd 0.25 had 38% aft-body.
So you're scratching at some tasty Cds now.