Originally Posted by brucepick
With all due respect - which is a considerable amount -
Waspswatter is pretty new here. I'm assuming he either needs a truck, or is stuck with it having already bought it.
I think that for most of us here, changing to a different vehicle is not the first step, or even the third. I see it as one of the more expensive "mods".
Yeah, I'm stuck with it for now. I don't need a truck everyday, (except maybe for 4 wheel drive in winter
Originally Posted by Ryland
Sorry, my point was that with slow driving you can get ok mileage with it, even while towing another vehicle behind it you can get 25 mpg, but that a lot of people look at small trucks as being wimpy, near car like, so they drive them as if they are a car.
It's all good. I know a truck isn't the best for high MPG, but I think it will be fun to see just how much I can squeeze out of it!