Sigh, I guess I should have just stayed home tonight. I went out, despite seeing we had 12 mph winds, to do some ABA testing. Non-starter. I did learn 2 things: 1) if I can't keep the vacuum gauge above 7" Hg for any length of time on a flat stretch of road (there's one about 12 miles away, on the way to my test road), it's time to park the truck and wait. 2) while driving to the test road, I had the 12 mph tailwind and noticed my truck getting mid-20s for mpg. I then surmised if I can figure out the drag at that speed, minus the wind, and then use ratios to compare with my drag and mpg at 0 wind speed, I should be able to compute what I need my drag coefficient to drop down to in order to achieve the fabled 25 mpg @ 65 mph. It's a shame :banghead: I had to burn :banghead: over 5 gallons :banghead: of premium :banghead: to figure this out. I've not figured out what the FE was tonight, but after the return trip where a panel came loose, I'm not sure I care.

Guess I'll wait another couple weeks for better weather.