Originally Posted by Snatcher
But I noticed if I rev match it to the speed and the gear I assume I'm going into it doesn't "jerk" into gear. It keeps the speed.
Jerkiness is not good in anything mechanical.
Rev-matching smooths out things, so it's OK, even if it means blipping the throttle a bit and using fuel.
But the main question is, what hurts my fuel economy more? Letting the car slow down, or bringing the engine about <1,000 RPMs up so I can keep the speed and continue on my way?
Braking through the engine when you don't need to slow down, is a waste of fuel, as you'll have to bring the entire heavy car back up to speed.
That's going to cost more fuel than briefly blipping its unloaded engine to do 1000 rpm more.
Should I even be P&G on an auto?
Do you keep the engine running during the glide, or not ?
Shutting down the engine could harm an automatic due to lack of lubing.
If it can be flat towed for extended distances, you're OK.
If not, keep the engine running.