You like those Escorts- I do too even though I've never had one- so get one. It won't take a full sheet of plywood flat though. Not even close. Not even close in the relatively big Sable wagon. Not even close in any wagon I can think of, short of a Suburban.
Small pickup like a Ranger could probably meet your hauling needs; you indicated you wanted a closed lockable area- so put a cap or tonneau on it.
Trailers: I got a Harbor Freight trailer and except for the woefully inadequate fender mounts, it's held up very well. Light and easy to store too, even though I don't have the fold-up model. It was cheaper to buy on sale than I could build myself from scratch- only a couple hundred dollars, and a new hitch for about $120. If I didn't already own a truck that has practically no resale value, I could do most of my hauling tasks with this trailer behind a small car.